Undermountain News
I've been working to get Undermountain available for Nook and other eReaders. Today I finally got my MS successfully through the meatgrinder at Smashwords. I could have prepared the file myself, but my brain was fried, so I had http://ebookartisandesign.com/ do it. They turned it around on Christmas Eve! I highly recommend there service and plan to use it again. The upshot is that the book is now available through Smashwords in all the main formats. So if you don't want to wait for the Nook store to have it, you can get it [Updated: I removed Undermountain from Smashwords] right now!
I've already had a bunch of people ask about the print version, but that won't be happening for a few weeks.
Okay, time for me to get back the Packer game!
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