Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Writing Hit Country Song Lyrics -- Now in Print!

I got a present from the USPS today. No, it wasn't a Victoria's Secret catalog. It was a box of books. More specifically, the paperback version of my songwriting booklet.

Writing Hit Country Song Lyrics frequently hits the songwriting besteller lists on Amazon, but I realized a lot of people still don't have an ereader, OR they want a paper version to keep as a handy reference. Others just want to stroke the cover and chant my name.

Whatever your reason, rejoice! The book is available in this wonderful little form-factor known as a paperback!

Yes, I have a maniacal look on my face. That's because I'm building an publishing EMPIRE!!!!!!!

The ebook is available from all the usual suspects. Click here for a clickable list of places to buy it.

The paper book (shown above) is available from Amazon. Get it before the world runs out of paper.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What Would I Do if I Were Romeo?

Find out the answer to that question and about my dream cupcake in this interview with me over at the Word Spelunker!

There's also a cool giveaway happening there, so hustle over and sign up before the end of the week!

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Afterlife Wins Ebook Cover Design Award

Wow! This is such great news and a wonderful acknowledgment for Melvin De Voor, the brilliant artist who designed the covers for Undermountain and Afterlife. awarded Afterlife the eBook Cover Design Award for July in the fiction category.

The guest judge for July was Tamara Deaver, owner of TLC Graphics in Austin, TX. This is what they she to say:

"This month’s winner is “Afterlife.” It’s simply stunning, full of depth, great use of typography, and very unique. The use of color, type, texture, and imagery are all very well done. The design would work well if this were a series, too."

 I  particularly want to thank Joel Friedlander for creating this award to recognize great design.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Song: Let Me Be Your Mirror

I may spend most of my time writing novels, but I've been a songwriter since I was 12. Here's the latest one I've been working on. A little country/pop confection called "Let Me Be Your Mirror."

Copyright © 2012 Eric Kent Edstrom


Monday, August 6, 2012

Two New Reviews! and a Giveaway!

Check out this double review of Undermountain and Afterlife over at the new Fundinmental book review blog.
"I cannot find the words to describe it. I enjoyed each Bigfoot surprise and do not want to spoil it for you so you will have to read the book to find out what happens. It was so very innovative and creative, bringing to the genre a new and wonderful twist on the Bigfoot story."
Make sure you go to the end for the easy chance to win a copy of Undermountain!

Read the rest here.

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First Five Free

What better way to decide if you want to read Undermountain than to read the first five chapters for $0. Well, here you go. It's a simple PDF file that any computer, or mobile device can view or print.

Undermountain Video Review

Special thanks to Alison at


Sunday, August 5, 2012

When I Have Fears That I May Be Obese (A Parody)

Some years ago I wrote this parody of John Keats' sonnet "When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be". I still think it's worth a chuckle. I've put the original after for comparison.
WHEN I have fears that I may be obese,
That my fork's tines will relentlessly pitch
Chocolate cakes and bacon soakéd in grease
Followed by pumpkin pie and fudges rich;
And when I break my fast (well after dawn)
To find it whole before morning is through,
Longing for luncheon while bruncheon is on
Alone at the buffet I form a queue;
And when I quaff caloried elixir
Scorning the straw to slurp from the pail
To wash all food into the great mixer
Of my cavernous craw–then on a scale
   I judge the gravity of what I ate
   And think I'd be fitter at greater weight

I might have missed a syllable or two in there. Sue me! Besides, see my creative commons license below. 

John Keats

Here's the original . . .

WHEN I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,
Before high pil`d books, in charact'ry,
Hold like rich garners the full-ripen'd grain;
When I behold, upon the night's starr'd face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And feel that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour!
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love;—then on the shore
   Of the wide world I stand alone, and think,
   Till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.

Creative Commons License
When I Have Fears That I May Be Obese by Eric Kent Edstrom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Fan Art: Is This Notchy?

A fan* of The Undermountain Saga submitted this drawing of Notchy. This depiction definitely the "bear-like" face. In fact, it appears to be a bear's face on a bigfoot. I particularly like the perspective. The best part has to be the notch in the ear!


*aka me


NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands Tonight (hopefully)

Like any self respecting science fiction writer, I haven't missed a Mars rover landing. There are very few events more tense and more riveting than a space mission, particularly when something lands on something. I wish we were about to put some people on Mars, but I'll settle for another rover. If you haven't seen the seven minutes of terror video about the landing, here it is.


So they're basically going to fire the retrorockets to slow the whole thing down, then lower the rover on wires. It's the kind of thing a child would invent. I hope it works! I'll be watching NASA TV starting 10pm central. I hope they've got their bandwidth issues sorted out, because if it bogs down, I'm going to weep.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Danny and Em

One of the awesome fun things about writing a novel is getting to see the cover art. I went through several iterations before getting to the wonderful covers designed by Melvin De Voor. One artist I worked with offered up this amazing piece.
But there was a problem. The girl, presumably Breyona, is the wrong race. The artist reworked the girl a few times, but it just didn't come together. Meanwhile, I had fallen in love with the picture and kept thinking that the girl looked like Em, Danny's sister. In the end the artist and I worked out an agreement so that I could use this amazing image. You'll notice I've added it to the header of this website. So here's the question. What are Danny and Em looking up at?


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tutorial: Getting Your Goodreads Reviews to Show Up on Kobobooks recently opened up Writing Life for indie authors. This is awesome because you no longer have to go through Smashwords if you don't want to. While I love Smashwords, one of the great things Kobo is offering writers is a dashboard with more detail about sales. And though Kobobooks has a way to go to make their store experience all it should be, I'm encouraged by their inclusion of some interesting social features for books. They've built in Facebook comments for each book AND Goodreads reviews!
But when you add your book to the Kobo Writing Life portal, you're Goodreads reviews might not automatically show up. This is bad. If you're like me, you've done a lot of work to get folks to post reviews on Goodreads.

Well, I figured out how to fix that problem, and it isn't too hard. Shall we proceed? Here is the Kobobooks page for my first novel, Undermountain.
Kobobooks Book Page
I've highlighted with the red box the Goodreads review section. Here's what it looks like now that I've got it integrated.
Goodreads Reviews on Kobo
That's pretty awesome! Notice that I've got five pages of GR reviews, which are all positive. That's because the book is good. Moving on . . .
If you want your GR reviews to show up you need to add the Kobo version of your book to Goodreads. Here's how.
Grab the ISBN number from your book's page on Kobobooks. See the highlight below. Kobo ISBN
Now that you know your Kobo ISBN, go over to and search for your book. It doesn't matter if Goodreads finds it or not, because what you want is the Manually add a book link. See the highlight in the pic below.
Manually Add Book
When you click that link, you'll get the page below. Fill in the form with all your book's info. Use the Kobo ISBN in the ISBN13 field. Make sure the title you use is identical to your other edition's title.
At this point you might be thinking, "But my book is already in Goodreads." That may be true, but is whispering to Goodreads in the background, asking "Do you have any reviews for ISBNxxxxxxxxxx?" So if that specific ISBN is not in Goodreads, Kobo will get nothing to display.
Add a Book Form in Goodreads
Okay, you're getting close now. The final step is pretty simple. In Goodreads you need to combine the Kobo edition with your other editions. This makes sure that any reviews you've got for, say your Amazon version or your Createspace POD version, are merged with the Kobo version.
So find your book on goodreads and click it so you are seeing the detail page for that book. Notice that in the pic below, there's a spot for other editions. One is my POD version, the other is the Kobo edition (I added it from my iPad and didn't have the cover art handy. I'll go fix that later.) It doesn't really matter. See that link I highlighted? Combine! Click it.
Combine editions link
Now you're on the Combine Editions page. In the example below I've already combined the different editions of Undermountain. What you'll see is two (or more) versions of the same book, each with a check box. Check the books that are the same (and therefore should all share the same reviews) and click the "combine editions" button.
Combine Editions
When I did this, the Goodreads reviews began to show up on Kobobooks immediately.
If it doesn't allow you to combine editions, you may have to solicit the aid of a Goodreads "librarian." If you've made any friends on GR, it shouldn't be too hard to find one. Notice there's a Goodreads Librarian Group link on the right hand side.
I hope this quick tutorial has been helpful. And more than that, I hope that all your awesome Goodreads reviews help you sell a ton of books on Kobobooks!

Eric is the author of Undermountain and Afterlife, the first two books of the YA science fiction series The Undermountain Saga.

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